
070 Endodontics
Managing the immature apex in permanent teeth
The management of immature permanent teeth with pulpal disease can be a daunting task. It is critical to properly diagnose and understand how to treat these cases.

010 Basic Sciences
Mastering Chairside Efficiency: Exploring iTero™ Design Suite’s CAD Solution
FREE WEBINAR | September 24, 2024 | Join Dr. Tadros for an in-depth look into the new iTero Design Suite. (1 credit)

550 Practice Management and Human Relations
Mastering Dental-Medical Necessity Increase Profitability
During this 90-minute session participants will learn the steps of determining dental-medical necessity to optimize dental benefits and medical-dental cross-coding.

250 Operative (Restorative) Dentistry
Materials and techniques for restoring contacts in class II composites
This course describes the materials used for matrices in class II composites and the wedges and rings used to adapt sectional matrix bands and provide tooth separation.
3 CE Credits