
Single-shade composite systems- Can one composite really do it all?
This webinar will describe what indications single-shade composite systems work best and when a shaded system is the material of choice.

Single-shade composite systems- Can one composite really do it all? (On-Demand)
This webinar will describe what indications single-shade composite systems work best and when a shaded system is the material of choice.

730 Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology
Sleep medicine and dentistry: How to measure whether dental sleep apnea interventions are improving sleep quality
This review teaches a dentist to read and interpret wearable fitness tracker sleep data. With this knowledge, dentists objectively measure the success or failure of the oral appliance therapy interventions they have performed for their patients. (3 Credits)

430 Pediatric Dentistry
Soft-tissue lesions in the oral cavity of the pediatric patient: A review
Practitioners who provide dental treatment to children must be aware that oral soft-tissue lesions can occur. This review will provide a synopsis of some of the most common soft-tissue lesions in children.