
250 Operative (Restorative) Dentistry

Anatomy of a handpiece: Understanding handpiece maintenance and repairs

Today’s clinician is extremely dependent on the handpiece to sustain a smooth-running practice. The handpiece is an incredibly sophisticated device that requires a diligent maintenance protocol to keep it running properly and safely. The dental team can keep handpieces functioning smoothly longer, and maximize the return on the significant investment the dentist has made in handpiece technology, through appropriate maintenance procedures.

3 CE Credits

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730 Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology

Antibiotic stewardship

This course will provide an understanding of antibiotic stewardship, aid dental teams in the evaluation of their current protocols, and apply clinical practice guideline tools for optimal antibiotic stewardship. (3 credits)

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130 Electives

Are you curie-ous about radiation?

This course will discuss the discovery of radiation, how it works and is absorbed in the body, and technological developments over the last century, to enable the clinician to understand the radiological concept and be better able to explain to patients the purpose and importance of acquiring radiographs. (3 credits)

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010 Basic Sciences

Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, and Tooth Decay

Asthma and seasonal allergies are chronic, yet treatable conditions that have been shown to alter the oral microbiome. As oral health providers, we are called to help our patients cultivate the microbiome of their oral cavity to achieve and maintain health.

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