Management of dental patients with coronary vasospasm – Group License

$39.00 / Student



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Coronary vasospasm is considered a rare cardiac condition in the world of cardiology, but recent research and expanded dialogue in the medical community are beginning to show that coronary vasospasm may be more widely experienced and underdiagnosed. Many dental implications can arise with affected patients. Dental considerations include stress management; psychological experiences for the patient; use of proper and safe anesthesia; medical complications in the dental chair; oral manifestations of cardiac medications; and drug interactions. Knowledge expansion of dentists and dental hygienists for patients with coronary vasospasm is crucial in globally recognizing this condition and safely treating a compromised population.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the dental professional should be able to:

  1. Define coronary vasospasm
  2. Describe the epidemiological factors of coronary vasospasm
  3. List symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of coronary vasospasm
  4. Identify who is at risk for coronary vasospasm
  5. Describe medical complications and management in the dental chair