DE PPM 2016 COURSE OBJECTIVES: Learn how to: 1. Avoid the most common hiring mistakes 2. Hire for attitude and compatibility within the practice 3. Perform better interviews 4. Discover the value and power of behavioral based questions 5. Conduct an effective, 6-step, liability free, reference checking procedure 6. Avoid protected classes claims 7. Ensure documentation to protect and defend your actions COURSE DESCRIPTION: In the beginning, it’s recruitment. No management function is more critical than the ability to hire, train, motivate, and effectively manage qualified and competent people. In the end, it’s termination (hopefully not too often). Today, ending employment carries many risks when not done correctly. In between, is effective staff/team management to reduce the risks when termination becomes necessary. So let’s do a better job of getting the right people the first time and a better job of protecting yourself when the situation calls for termination. The benefits include a decrease in stress, staff turnover and labor- related problems.