RDH Evening Express March 6, 2018 Kristy Menage Bernie, RDH, MS, RYT Cranberry USA • Course Code: RDHX3618CP1 Optimal infection control practices are a key aspect of dental professionals’ ongoing education. Until the late ‘80s, these practices were not regulated or monitored by outside entities; however, today’s infection control protocols and practices are impacted by OSHA, CDC, and state licensing boards. The World Health Organization also provides resources regarding infection prevention worldwide. Together these entities provide the foundation for sound infection control practices that will protect both clinicians as well as patients. Defining the roles of each entity/agency and what they bring to infection prevention is important for every member of the dental team and to meet the mandatory licensing requirements. It’s also important as they provide dental practices with methods to develop and maintain optimal infection control protocols and practices. Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: Understand the differences between OSHA, the CDC and state licensing boards in terms of infection prevention. Implement the CDC Guidelines for Infection Control Practices in Dentistry Adopt the WHO hand hygiene protocol into practice. Identify state regulations relating to infection control as they relate to licensure. https://event.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1170731&tp_key=093e73db08
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