Cash Is King: How To Be Certain Your Practice Is Financially Safe During The New Normal
This webinar will show you how to manage your cash wisely and keep the right amount of cash on hand while still focusing on your practice’s growth.
This webinar will show you how to manage your cash wisely and keep the right amount of cash on hand while still focusing on your practice’s growth.
To encourage patient appointments and confirm financial responsibility, practices must facilitate a clear line of communication and offer contactless options and convenient payment tools.
The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated modifications to existing operations for dental practices throughout the U.S.
According to a Unified Smiles survey, the national average for case acceptance is between 55% and 60%, a far cry from most dentists’ expectations. This webinar will provide SIMPLE and EASY ways to increase your case acceptance.
Dr. Pattani will walk through two simple, yet high ROI applications of 3D printing: surgical guides for implant placement and occlusal guards & splints.
During this 90-minute session participants will learn the steps of determining dental-medical necessity to optimize dental benefits and medical-dental cross-coding.
In this insightful presentation, Dr. Roger P. Levin will review the major transformations that are reshaping dentistry and how they will impact today’s practices.
Join us and learn how to create more time, increase your profits and luxaprint money without adding an ounce of stress to your days.
Join Jaime Staley, CPA, MSA, partner at PJS & Co. CPAs and dental industry focused advisor as she shares the 3 ways her dental clients have successfully increased production and profitability while also improving their lifestyle.