Originally presented at RDH Under One Roof Extended March 2023
Date: March 4, 2023 | 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Speaker: Katrina Klein, RDH, CEAS, CPT
CEU Credits: 2
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Maintaining a fulfilling career in dentistry goes well beyond a paycheck. Stop being a slave to the stressful demands and physical pain of practicing hygiene hour to hour and get back to enjoying a quality career that meets our needs in and out of the operatory by using a variety of techniques to enhance inner peace, reduce physical pain, and prepare for a rewarding career.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn the hierarchy of wellness needs to develop and maintain longevity in a dental professional.
- Learn how to maintain quality in the business of dentistry.
- Understand the causes behind workplace related mental and physical pain.
- Learn methods to incorporate a prevention mindset to protect the body and mind against workplace pain and injury.
Course Content