Facial esthetics has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. As the field continues to evolve and patients demand more and more of practitioners, it is clear that both the beginner as well as the advanced practitioner seek convenient, safe, and effective therapies. This lecture will begin by discussing the use of PRF for soft tissue healing in implant dentistry, gingival grafting and periodontal regeneration specific to esthetic zone cases. Thereafter, the use of PRF will be discussed as an all-natural, safe and convenient approach to facial esthetics. One of the main discoveries that pertains to facial esthetics has been the ability to extend the resorption properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months utilizing the Bio-Heat Technology. Within 10 minutes, liquid-PRF can be transformed towards a biological filler (Bio-Filler) that lasts half a year and as a substitute to chemical fillers such as Juvéderm and Restylane. This has been the cornerstone therapy at www.care-esthetics.com, a growing trend whereby dentists are involved in the field. Practicing dentists that work in the esthetic zone and full arch cases will benefit from learning more about this multi-billion dollars field and more specifically offer combination therapies focused on esthetic zone dentistry + facial esthetics using PRF.