Upon completion of this presentation, attendees will be able to
- Recognize basic myofunctional therapy concepts and the impact of orofacial myofunctional disorders.
- Identify common dental oral signs associated with orofacial myofunctional disorders
- List the role of dental hygienists in identifying, referring, and/or resolving orofacial muscle dysfunction
Introduction to orofacial muscle function through the lens of myofunctional therapy and the impact on dental health and wellness that occurs as a result of oral dysfunction. Often overlooked are common subtle or “silent” signs that provide invaluable insights into identifying poor oral biomechanics in the clinical settings. From detecting parafunctional habits and tongue thrust, to uncovering manifestations of sleep-disordered breathing, this lecture equips dental hygienists with the knowledge needed to make a profound impact on their patients by providing a foundational understanding of the role of oral myofunctional therapy.
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