UOR 2014 Throughout the course of their everyday practice, dental professionals must frequently draw upon their knowledge of pharmacology. Recently introduced competency-based curriculums have demonstrated that tasks ranging from the routine (such as obtaining a complete patient medical history and appointment planning) to the extreme (such as handling a medical emergency in the office) all require a foundation of knowledge in pharmacology. However, the science of pharmacology consistently represents only a small portion of most dental degree programs. Armed with a relatively brief exposure to such vast subject matter, many dental professionals have difficulty retaining this knowledge throughout their career as well as with staying current with new pharmacotherapeutic trends, especially when faced with a marketplace awash in direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs and an explosion of new drug entities over the last several years. This program will provide participants with an update on and overview of selected new FDA-approved prescription drugs for the past several years and the classes of drugs used in the current therapy of most common disease states. Throughout the program, special emphasis will be given to new drugs administered or prescribed in dental practice as well as to new drugs whose actions, side effects, or interactions with other drugs may impact dental therapy.