UOR 2018 Credits: 2 Course Code: CK59S6 CA #: 02-4527-15271 The effects of underdiagnosed and undertreated sleep disturbances bring a matrix of health-care risks to consumers. The economic burden of sleep disturbances in 2016 in the United States topped nearly $150 billion. Dental health-care professionals should be at the forefront of diagnosing and treating sleep apnea, which could help result in a more productive and healthy population. 1. Define the different stages of sleep and what occurs in each 2. Define and understand the oral manifestations of sleep deprivation and how to discus with your patients 3. Discover the consequences of underdiagnosed and undertreated sleep disturbances and its effect on overall health, its association to ADD and ADHD, heart attack, accidents, and death 4. How sleep deprivation effects children, men, and women differently and how to address this with your clients