RDH CE Evening Express Archived Presentation: As clinicians, we are often faced with decisions to determine which products or instruments are best for our practice and our patient’s needs. There is a lot of information to sort through to make solid, evidence-based choices regarding which items are best for each situation. During this presentation, I will introduce the Rockwell Hardness Scale and describe how this quantifiable measurement can be used to determine if the implant maintenance instrument being used in clinical practice is truly safe against scratching the surfaces of the implant restorations being cleaned. With this data, one can make an educated decision regarding if their instrument of choice is too hard, too soft, or just right for successful dental implant maintenance. Learning Objectives: Introduction and definition of the Rockwell Hardness scale, how it is used to measure and compare different materials. Describe the various materials currently being used for dental implant instruments and how they vary, the pro’s and con’s to each material in regards to how it may affect the dental implant surface. Explain the importance of preventing the micro-surface scratches on the dental implants and what these scratches can lead to in regards to peri-implantitis. Show the clinical research of the Rockwell Hardness data of a cross-section of the implant maintenance instruments out on the market in comparison to a cross-section of dental implants being placed to show how to select which instrument is best for the type of implants being used. Educational Support Provided by: American Eagle Instruments Inc.