RDH CE Evening Express Archived Presentation: Neck, shoulder and back pain should not be part of the dental hygiene employment package. Since clinical practice is full of musculoskeletal booby-traps, dismissing the aches as “just part of the job” can have serious, career-ending consequences Dental hygienists are the ultimate preventive professionals, yet countless suffer needlessly from workplace-related aches and pains. Learn about how magnification, auxiliary illumination and new seating concepts interact together, creating a healthy workspace synergy. Learning Objectives: Understand the relative risk for developing a workplace-related musculoskeletal disorder (WRMSD). Recognize risk factors that contribute to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD’s). Learn about different types of magnification loupes and lighting options. Appreciate how healthy seating, magnification and auxiliary illumination reduce the risk for developing a WRMSD. Educational Support Provided by: Orascoptic
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