
730 Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology

Ep. 377: Holistic Dental Hygiene with Barbara Tritz, RDH

Listen in as we talk with the “Queen of Dental Hygiene” and biologic dental hygienist, Barbara Tritz, RDH. She explains why she became a biologic dental hygienist and discusses ozonated water, the SMART technique for removing mercury restorations, and why she uses a microscope in her operatory.

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770 Self Improvement

Ep. 378: Lemons or Lemonade: How Are You Viewing Life’s Events? Karen Davis, RDH

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. Listen in as we talk with Karen Davis, RDH where she discusses the personal difficulties and heartbreaks she has experienced throughout her life, including the passing of her husband who was diagnosed with cancer. In this episode, she shares her Lemonade Recipe to help you sustain joy and be grateful for every moment in life.

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Ep. 386: Caries Risk Assessment with Dr. Kim Kutsch

Dr. Kim Kutsch is one of the leading minds on cariology and prevention and that is the focus for this episode. He recognizes that everyone needs tailored care based on their specific risk factors. He is also a huge advocate for patient education and for hygienists.

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Ep. 418: Analyzing Blood Panels with Megan Barnett, MS, CNS

After listening to this episode, you should be able to: Understand and define the aim of functional medicine to provide comprehensive care. Recognize and understand the normal reference ranges for key blood components, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, and various enzymes. Indicate an understanding of the effects of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and glucose in the bloodstream.

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